
New York modern buildings

Map of New York modern buildings

This map of New York modern buildings is based on Google Maps technology. You can switch the type of map in the right upper corner by clicking on buttons Map, Satellite and Terrain. Control panel on the left with plus and minus buttons can be used for zooming the map.

List of New York modern buildings

This list contains modern buildings in New York that are displayed on the map above as well:

  • United Nations Headquarters - Headquarters of New York United Nations with glass Secretariat building.
  • Trump Tower - 68-floors tall skyscraper built and owned by business magnate Donald Trump.
  • World Financial Center - Complex of four large buildings serving as headquarters for financial institutions.
  • Time Warner Center - Skyscraper with two 229 metres high towers where Time Warner Inc resides.

United Kingdom: London, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Edinburgh   ;   France: Paris   ;   Italy: Rome  

United States: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago; Spain: Barcelona ; Germany: Berlin, Munich; Czech Republic: Prague

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